Category Archives: iPad Features

iPad Video Lessons to Get You Started

Despite being an awesome gadget, the iPad comes without any videos or instruction manual. Therefore, once unwrapped and taken out of its box it can be a bit of a time consuming challenge trying to figure out how to perform even the most basic of tasks on your iPad ie how to set your home screen. The lack of user instructions has obviously not gone unnoticed by those internet marketers who are also keen gadget owners. You can now download just about any iPad video lesson you […]

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How Cool Is Your iPad

Isn’t the iPad one of the coolest gagdets known to man? I mean, seriously. Apple has always had such a high regard for design but even more brilliantly, to make their products so feature rich and inventive that the rest of the competition is left scrambling to catch up with similarly innovative products (if possible). When you first turn on your iPad, you realize right away what a great piece of technology you have in your hands. You can take photos, play the piano, watch videos, read […]

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Were You Aware of These iPad Features

Now that you finally own your own iPad, are you aware of all the great features? There are quite a few and Apple may not provide a tutorial on all the great features of your new gadget. The reason is, no instruction manual is included in the iPad package. While the iPad is still designed to be very intuitive, it doesn’t mean a handy guide or set of video tutorials wouldn’t help the average user. So many people these days are buying iPads and the age and […]

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Discover Your Own iPad Tricks

So, you’re the new, proud owner of an iPad. If you’re familiar with the brilliant products created by Apple, such as the iPad or any of the iOS products, you’ll realize pretty quickly that there are no indepth instructions on how to really take advantage of your new “toy”. Perhaps Apple prefers to leave it up to the end user to create their own unique set up. That’s fine but we Apple users could still do with a bit more help when it comes to taking advantage […]

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